It takes A LOT of work and countless hours to write the pieces you read here on my Substack. That’s energy + time that I could be spending on writing another book (which I really need to be doing). Still, I choose to pour some of my life into these weekly pieces because it brings me connection + inspiration with others outside of myself, and it brings me community which I so desperately yearn for. But I wonder, what do you get out of it?
I’m forever asking myself the question, why do people come here? What do they get out of my writing? What should I share more of? Does anyone even read these? Should I keep writing here? I want to be sure that the mass amount of energy I put into this is going toward making this a place you want to be, and I’m not just clogging your inbox with a bunch of stuff you don’t care to read.
So, to quiet my chattering mind I’ve put together a short and simple poll. It’s only five questions, and the key is that you answer honestly.
I appreciate you taking the time to answer. And if anything else comes up for you, please leave a comment.
Thank you so much for taking the time to help me make this a better place for you and for others.
And remember, you’re not limited to the poll questions or options, so feel free to share your thoughts + ideas by leaving a comment below. I’m taking any and all advice on what you want to see here. What would make this place better? What is it lacking? I’d love to read what you have to say.
I love to read anything you write. Your ability to simply and beautifully paint a picture with words is what draws me. Whether you write here or in a book or write only for you, we love you and support you being all that is you - stronger and braver than you sometimes think you are, pure and honest view of life, and deep love for the people in your world.
I didn’t answer the first poll question because I already really enjoy the pacing you have in how you balance writing about the different aspects of your life and thought process. I’m a mama, so I love hearing your motherhood thoughts. I’m a writer, so I love seeing your perspective on your own process. I love hearing stories of your life, because it creates connective tissue for what you write about Now. (Also because you hold threads of childhood very similar to what I hold, and seem to have similar goals in parenting P & re-parenting yourself, and I appreciate the way you too take and turn over the components of the foundation laid for you.)