I love the way you see the world and the way you write it. So glad your trip went well! 💜

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Aw, thank you Cassie! I'm glad I finally put something on the page. It's hard to write and travel as both require my full presence. Do you find that true for you as well?

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Absolutely! My sister and her family came over from the UK to visit me in Australia a few weeks ago and all my best intentions for my writing went out the window. I still can't seem to get my words back properly, but luckily after years of going through these cycles I have more trust that they'll come back when they're ready. It's funny how sometimes writing advice like show up day after day can be great and other times I just find it backs me into a corner and makes me feel trapped and frustrated! I'm so glad you were able to come back to the page, though. Some words just take longer to come through and they're all the better for it! 💜

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Oof. Yes. It really is all about trust isn't it? I feel like I'm in a constant state of learning (and accepting) that.

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So grateful for your musings. Always. 🧡

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Aw, thank you! I have so much to say and so little time to write and share it. Are you still in Sustenance? I miss being part of it!

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A wonderful read as always, the way you are able to write about everyday life happenings and feelings in such a beautiful, poetic way is so inspiring.

November. I feel like I don't remember November. It is clouded by how heavy December was, feeling the loss of family when everyone around us gathered with their loved ones for the holidays. November must have been good, but nothing special.

This year I feel inclined to write more, to help me remember.

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