Thank you for sharing this experience. As a mother also, I applaud you for not giving up on your art. I also must say how impressed I am with your husband's support of you. How lovely to see that partnership in service of your soul.

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You’re already doing it- you do it all the time. I reckon it will always be hard but the hard changes and takes on different forms.

That’s been one of my greatest takeaways from parenting- the hard changes/it’s always hard, but similarly the magic shifts and grows and becomes more magical, I think.

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“I’m not really a real writer”….4,000 words later “I haven’t even gotten to why I started writing this because I’ve been busy telling you guys everything leading up to it” 😉😉😉

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Sorry just had to tease you a little 😜. I’m glad you got to go to all those sessions! Those poems are wonderful. It’s so funny to me hearing people have the opposite experience of eating out alone or going to an event by yourself and that sense of self is the luxury, when for me being by myself is always the default and the thing I’m always aching to be different. I guess we always need or want the balance of what we don’t normally have

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I love hearing your thoughts and feelings along your journey. As someone who’s been following you forever, it makes me happy to see the person you are now and excited about the person you’ll become. You are special Jessy. You may not always feel it, but you are. And your husband, son, family, friends, and admirers see this. Thank you for taking us on your journey.

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