The Things We Leave Out
On Writing: Published in the Spring 2022 issue of the Good River Review
I’m thrilled to share “The Things We Leave Out” — published in the Spring 2022 issue of the Good River Review.
I wrote this piece when I was visiting Dad up in Michigan. I was seven months pregnant and I remember how alive the story was, how vivid the memories were, and how my emotions undulated like rushing waves.
When I finished the piece, I read it to my husband. We sat on the bed in the dark guestroom of Dad’s little house and I rested my hands on my growing belly as I read. I remember how my throat caught and how my voice shook through the end of the story, and how when I looked up, Perry’s eyes were shining and his eyelashes were wet. Not because it’s a sad story, but because of the love and the longing and the unknowing that the whole piece is steeped in.
I wanted to read it to Dad, but I was afraid of where it would take him. Now that it’s published I want to share it with him as proof that our story matters — that he matters — but I haven’t found the courage.
The Things We Leave Out
Goodbyes have never come easy for me. It doesn’t help that I only see Dad once, maybe twice a year if I’m lucky, and each time he feels more distant than the last. On the night before he left my home to make the seven-hundred-mile drive back to his own, we were well into a pandemic with no end in sight, and I worried about losing the whole of him, the whole of us. He’s always had masochistic tendencies, punishing himself for what he sees as a failed parenthood — a life wasted.
As we sat across from each other at my wobbly kitchen table, I tried to bring up the past but talked circles around all the things I needed to say. How he spent my childhood leaving things out to protect me. And how I spent — and am still spending — my adulthood leaving things out of the past to protect him.
THE THINGS WE LEAVE OUT, published with the Good River Review, read the full piece here.
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Beautiful :) I hope you have a wonderful holiday with your family. Wishing you all the blessings as we enter this new year <3